After Hours Care
We recognize that illnesses do not necessarily line up with normal medical office hours. To that end, there are two options that are listed below to hopefully reduce the need for a trip to the emergency room.
We partner with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) as the “Mills Peninsula Network.” As one of our patients, you are always welcome to access urgent care by calling us or visiting the link below.
100 South San Mateo Dr.
Entrance on 2nd Ave, 2nd Floor
San Mateo, CA, 94401
(650) 696-4427
Nurse Advice Line
The Nurse Line is staffed by medical professionals trained in customer service, providing access to medical information and referral services, supplementing the services of our Primary Care Physicians.
• Home treatment plans
• Directions using over-the-counter medications
• Office Visit follow-up referrals to physicians
• Prescription refills
• Advice visiting the Urgent Care Center or another emergency department